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Category: Public Masonic Discussions
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Topic: identification
Posted By: chevyman
Subject: identification
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 10:41am
hello brothers.
 as a new mastermason 3-23-10. i am still very new to the craft. i have a question to the identification and trial of fellow brotheren. i know there are certain questions and answers to try and validate men as masons. my mentor is old school and by the book. i asked him about it and he said the masonic grips should not be used unless you have prior knowledge of the man to be a mason. basically in the lodge. he said if i suspect a man to be a mason such as seeing a ring or pin and i engage in conversation i should ask to see his dues card to validate that he is a true mason. he mentioned nothing about any other type of identification. which leaves me very hesitant to show my pride by wearing a masonic ring.  i do not want to be put in a situation where someone questions me and i do not know the appropriate response. how should i approach this situation? thanks 

Posted By: tnvarmint
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 12:31pm
Being fairly new to masonry myself I understand your concerns.  Having been raised only 7 months ago I still am unsure how well I would do if and when I am "tried" by a brother.  I am not good at memory recall when put on the spot like that.  That being said if a brother on the street won't take a dues card then perhaps direct them to your GL and have them ask about your membership there.  I can't see why a dues card would not be enough for most.  As for wearing a ring or not, I wouldn't worry about it.  If you have that dues card in your wallet then you have as much right as the next mason to wear that ring.

To ease your mind though you might pull someone aside at the next lodge meeting and have them ask you questions too see how well you would do if you were "tried" by another brother.

Dashiell Lodge #238
Elizabethton, TN
Initiated - 15AUG09
Passed - 26SEP09
Raised - 24OCT09

Noble of Jericho Shrine, Kingsport, TN

Posted By: fireman99
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 12:42pm
My Brothers, while I am very new myself, if a Brother wanted to "try" me out on the street, my reply would be ..... "This is not the place for that to happen and if he wanted to, I would be glad to meet him at my Lodge" I may be wrong but that is the way I would do it regardless. Being "tried" is supposed to be a way to gain admission to a Lodge if no one vouches for you.....atleast that is what I have been taught.

Posted By: newlight
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 12:53pm
I believe the question was posed if he had question of someone being a mason. And as a new mason I would suggest staying away from trying anyone.  Its a dangerous game to play and you need to be ready in return.  There are several threads on the subject matter to which you ask and you would benefit from reading them.  There are many experienced and knowledgable Masons on this forum who firmly disagree with trying  individuals.  The safest bet is to do as you were instructed and if you do not know them to be a Mason just speak as you normally do.  If he has something on that indicates he may be, greet him as brother  and move on, and if you want to be really daring very discreatly give a sign, if they catch it great, proceed, if not you should probabaly move on without further conversation.  But my whole point is give it time. Enjoy your lodge brothers, as you grow, you will meet and be introduced to many Masons in your community and it will no longer be an issue.

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 1:16pm
This topic has been spoken on many times before, however a refresher is always welcomed.  I love to hear some of the nonsense requirements that some people think they have a right to place on others.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: PSquared
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:01pm
I had a gentleman come into my shop today and he was wearing a Masonic Watch and Ring .  I wanted to ask him which lodge he was a member at and tell him I have my petition in at a local lodge, but I didn't.  I have noticed, and possibly just coincidence, that I see more Masons coming into my shop lately.  Makes me wonder if the gentleman who is sponsoring me maybe mentioned me and they are coming by to give me the look see  :)
Anyway, not being initiated yet I usually will ask guys when I see they are Masons...but that's all I do is mention it. 

Statham Lodge #634 F&AM, Statham,GA

Initiated: 6/24/10
Passed   : 9/23/10
Raised   : 10/29/10

Junior Deacon
2011 Mason of the Year
Statham #634

Posted By: PSquared
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:05pm
I wouldn't see myself "trying" another Mason in public anyway even when I am raised, not sure what that accomplishes.  Nor would I appreciate being "tried" I don't think...what is the purpose in it unless you believed them to NOT be a Mason and representing themselves as one.  My best friend is a Fraternity guy and he has met several other Sigma Chi's and they really don't "Try" each other so much as they might as where they were a Sigma Chi at and they always shake hands.

Statham Lodge #634 F&AM, Statham,GA

Initiated: 6/24/10
Passed   : 9/23/10
Raised   : 10/29/10

Junior Deacon
2011 Mason of the Year
Statham #634

Posted By: joelpetes_jm
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:21pm

Originally posted by newlight newlight wrote:

I believe the question was posed if he had question of someone being a mason. And as a new mason I would suggest staying away from trying anyone...


Brother Newlight, I read chevyman's post differently I guess.


Originally posted by chevyman chevyman wrote:

... which leaves me very hesitant to show my pride by wearing a masonic ring.  i do not want to be put in a situation where someone questions me and i do not know the appropriate response...


I don’t think he necessarily wants to know how to try someone; but rather, how to react if someone tries him.  Personally, I think firemann99 had it right.  If you don’t know him, offer to meet up with him in lodge.

I 04/20/2010
P 05/18/2010
R 06/12/2010

Reading the signs and smelling the roses on my journey to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns.

Monticello Lodge #16

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:51pm
If a person doesn't personally know me and I'm not seeking admission to a lodge, there's no reason to "try me" on my knowledge of freemasonry.  Besides, I don't remember that being a responsibility anywhere in the ob I swore to do.   Maybe if it were a masonic offense, it would cut down on this poo-poo. 

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: djaeon
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:51pm
Originally posted by PSquared PSquared wrote:

...  I have noticed, and possibly just coincidence, that I see more Masons coming into my shop lately...

It may be that since you've petitioned you're just noticing them more now.  I know before I petitioned, I hardly ever noticed Masonic car emblems, rings, etc.  And Now I see them all over the place.  At least in my case, I think it's just because Freemasonry is at the front of my mind now instead of a question buried in the recesses.

John D. Spreckles Lodge #657 F.&A.M.
Entered - 10/19/09; Passed - 2/8/10; Raised - 4/26/10
Al Bhar Shrine - 5/22/10

Posted By: masonic.truths
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 3:24pm
Originally posted by 150man 150man wrote:

If a person doesn't personally know me and I'm not seeking admission to a lodge, there's no reason to "try me" on my knowledge of freemasonry.

I agree with that.  I have been a MM 36 years and have never been tried or attempted to try anyone other than in the circumstance of trying to gain admission to a Lodge.

I do wear a Masonic ring and many times have been asked such things in passing as "I see you are a traveling man or what Lodge do you belong to, which I  respond to cordially.  I have also had strangers attempt to shake hands with a grip, to which I do not respond, because there are suspended brothers as well as others that might belong to a Lodge not recognized by my GL, or someone who has come into possession of knowledge that they are not justly entitled to.

In short, I do not know of any occasion beyond gaining admission to a Lodge or within the confines of a tiled Lodge when it is neccessary or appropriate to enter into esoteric discussions with a stranger.

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 3:30pm
Brothers.  I wear my light, and i never been tried as a MM in public. actually i've only been tried once and that was by my uncle.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 3:33pm

The act of trying a bro. isn't one that i see often, but when the situation permits then by all means try him, because as i posted there are false claimers, but if you know yourself to be a MM, then you will know how to respond.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: MarcoPelon
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 4:26pm
I've travelled all over the US and met lots of folks through business and have never been "tried" in public. The only reason to try me (or for me to try a brother) would be for entrance to a lodge. Otherwise, I'm cordial and enjoy meeting brethren. If a brother needed me to assist him or vouch for him in lodge, I would try him.

Wear your ring, you've earned it. Enjoy meeting brethren, or even having someone thank you for what the fraternity has done for their family, etc. More than once I've been eating solo while traveling, met a brother and his family, then been informed by the waitress that my meal had been paid for. :)

Posted By: chevyman
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 6:20am
thank you for all your input. going back and reading my first post it may not have been as clear as i wished. i fully agree that a public place is not the time or place to be trying brethren. i am not looking to try anyone. i want to be an active member and travel to other other lodges and meet new people.  i know in ohio the by-laws say my dues card and photo id is all that is necessary to be vouched.  i just want to be prepared when i visit other lodges. if questions are asked i want to be able to have an intelligent response. thanks 

Posted By: PSquared
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 7:54am

So then, to enter another lodge all one would need is a dues card?  Have any of you been "tried" and if so why and in what setting?  Were you ever "tried" by someone you found to NOT be a MM?  How does one react to being "tried'?  Interesting topic.

Statham Lodge #634 F&AM, Statham,GA

Initiated: 6/24/10
Passed   : 9/23/10
Raised   : 10/29/10

Junior Deacon
2011 Mason of the Year
Statham #634

Posted By: Hyksos
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 8:23am
'Are you a traveling Man?' In a public setting I would probably just talk about how good it was to see other Brothers, and ask him/them what lodge they belong to, etc. No need to 'try' anyone in my opinion because I wouldn't talk about anything esoteric to a stranger in public anyway.

Posted By: phllip1969
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 1:42pm
Originally posted by PSquared PSquared wrote:

So then, to enter another lodge all one would need is a dues card?  Have any of you been "tried" and if so why and in what setting?  Were you ever "tried" by someone you found to NOT be a MM?  How does one react to being "tried'?  Interesting topic.

If you are not known , you will need a dues card or another form of "Masonic" ID such as a letter from your GL . But you will also be tried . In my jurisdiction it will be from a committee of 3 Master Masons who will escort the visitor to the anti-room (the room outside of the lodge room) and ask several questions until we are satisfied that he is a true Brother among us .

A visiting Mason should be expecting to be tried when he is visiting a lodge that he is not known , so he should not be surprised when it happens .

I have been tried when I have visited  Lodges while on vacation in NC and a couple of lodges in neighboring states . Passed with flying colors .

I have turned away only a couple of men who did not have a valid dues card and could not answer my questions that I posed to them .

*note: All my answers pertain to my jurisdiction .

Posted By: phllip1969
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 2:53pm
Originally posted by Flotown79 Flotown79 wrote:

This topic has been spoken on many times before, however a refresher is always welcomed.  I love to hear some of the nonsense requirements that some people think they have a right to place on others.

If you are referring to the challenging of Masons in public , I too would love to hear what some have to say . I asked a question some weeks back in the PHA section , but never received an answer so I will ask again . Like I stated there , I have been a Mason for many , many years and have lived in my Masonic bubble of my jurisdiction and never paid much attention to what goes on else where in the Masonic world and now I have read that some feel they have the right to challenge others wearing Masonic insignias in public and I am wondering if their Lodges/GLs sanction this challenging of Masons in public ? And if they do ( or even if they do not but it is done because "that's the way it has always been done") why do some feel this is a part of Freemasonry and to what purpose does it serve if they are not trying to gain admittance into a lodge ?

I have never given the grip of any of the degrees to someone because they are wearing Masonic insignias outside of a lodge setting or in the case of instruction so I have another question . If a Master Mason does not know a man to be a Mason , why would you greet him with the grip of an EA , FC or a MM ? If this person is suspended or expailed or in some cases a family member or non-Mason wearing the ring of a true MM because they like it or because it was there Dad's or Grandfather's , wouldn't you be violating your OB ? Same with passing cars on the road , I have read that some try to give signs of an EA , or toot their horns three times when passing a car with a Masonic sticker on it while passing it , when anyone could be driving said vehicle ? I do not pay attention to car insignias or when someone honks their horns at me when out , but my wife was driving my truck one time and came home and asked me what this was * she gave me the sign of an EA* ( my windows are heavily tinted to the point of being illegal) , I told her I didn't know what it was, then she stated the other guy had Masonic stickers on his car also so it "had to be Masonic" .

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 3:01pm

For my lodge, in order to enter you will have to Walk the tylers sword, approach the alter in due form and know the Master word, you may still be tried by the WM or you may be tried by the tyler if he finds you suspect.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 3:10pm

When i was a EA me and my cable's kept each other sharp by asking From whence came you, as a FC we asked Are you a Fellow Craft but nothing after FC because being proficient as a Master Mason is Our personal resposibilty!

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 7:16pm
Originally posted by phllip1969 phllip1969 wrote:

Originally posted by Flotown79 Flotown79 wrote:

This topic has been spoken on many times before, however a refresher is always welcomed.  I love to hear some of the nonsense requirements that some people think they have a right to place on others.

If you are referring to the challenging of Masons in public , I too would love to hear what some have to say . I asked a question some weeks back in the PHA section , but never received an answer so I will ask again . Like I stated there , I have been a Mason for many , many years and have lived in my Masonic bubble of my jurisdiction and never paid much attention to what goes on else where in the Masonic world and now I have read that some feel they have the right to challenge others wearing Masonic insignias in public and I am wondering if their Lodges/GLs sanction this challenging of Masons in public ? And if they do ( or even if they do not but it is done because "that's the way it has always been done") why do some feel this is a part of Freemasonry and to what purpose does it serve if they are not trying to gain admittance into a lodge ?

I have never given the grip of any of the degrees to someone because they are wearing Masonic insignias outside of a lodge setting or in the case of instruction so I have another question . If a Master Mason does not know a man to be a Mason , why would you greet him with the grip of an EA , FC or a MM ? If this person is suspended or expailed or in some cases a family member or non-Mason wearing the ring of a true MM because they like it or because it was there Dad's or Grandfather's , wouldn't you be violating your OB ? Same with passing cars on the road , I have read that some try to give signs of an EA , or toot their horns three times when passing a car with a Masonic sticker on it while passing it , when anyone could be driving said vehicle ? I do not pay attention to car insignias or when someone honks their horns at me when out , but my wife was driving my truck one time and came home and asked me what this was * she gave me the sign of an EA* ( my windows are heavily tinted to the point of being illegal) , I told her I didn't know what it was, then she stated the other guy had Masonic stickers on his car also so it "had to be Masonic" .

One must always remember that word that was given to you. 

A person may ask whatever they like, however until you deem them worthy, they should not get anything Masonic from you.  I have not heard of any GL sanctioning this type of behavior.  Besides GL rituals differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. 


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/25/2010 at 7:19pm
Originally posted by Stuntman98 Stuntman98 wrote:

For my lodge, in order to enter you will have to Walk the tylers sword, approach the alter in due form and know the Master word, you may still be tried by the WM or you may be tried by the tyler if he finds you suspect.

What happens to those that don't how to Walk.  Not every GL does that?

When did SOL #77 start this requirement?  It was not being done in '06-'08.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 8:49am
Originally posted by Charles Nodier Charles Nodier wrote:

Does God desire to be the source of division among men?

Are we not all Masons?


The roots of darkness in the brotherhood of Masons.

Answered in the New to the Forum thread.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: DBlair
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 10:52am
Originally posted by Hyksos Hyksos wrote:

'Are you a traveling Man?' In a public setting I would probably just talk about how good it was to see other Brothers, and ask him/them what lodge they belong to, etc. No need to 'try' anyone in my opinion because I wouldn't talk about anything esoteric to a stranger in public anyway.
This is mostly what I've encountered as well. Usually, it is the question of whether he is a traveling man, then each stating which lodge they belong to, followed by the grip. Rarely is it ever more than that.
Bro. Hyksos- Where in FL?

Hillsborough Lodge #25, F&AM (MM)
Grand Lodge of Florida (USA)
Valley of Tampa, AASR (32*)
Tampa Chapter #11, OES
Egypt Shriners, AAONMS
Young Egypt Shriners Club (Past President)

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 11:17am

We last did it around august 09, we had a bro in there who couldn't remember the word, WM wasn't pleased with him or the bro who vouched for because they both should have prepared for what they "knew" was going to happen.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: cemab4y
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 11:49am

Charles E. Martin

Alexandria, VA

Bowling Green Lodge 73, Bowling Green KY (GL of KY, F&AM)

Alexandria VA Scottish Rite Bodies (AASR, Southern Jurisdiction, USA)

Posted By: cemab4y
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 12:01pm
If you wish to visit a lodge, you will have to satisfy the lodge officers, that you are a Master Mason in good standing. You (usually) have to present a valid dues card, paid up for the current year. The lodge officers will check to see if your Grand Lodge is in communication with their Grand Lodge.
You may have to swear a "Tiler's oath", that you are a Master Mason in good standing. The lodge generally has the option to have you swear the oath.
You may or may not be quizzed on points of Masonic identification, such as words or grips.
The lodge has a great deal of latitude in how deeply they wish to probe your "bona fides".
Visiting other lodges, when you are away from home, is part of the wages of a Master Mason, I encourage you to visit other lodges, whenever you can.

Charles E. Martin

Alexandria, VA

Bowling Green Lodge 73, Bowling Green KY (GL of KY, F&AM)

Alexandria VA Scottish Rite Bodies (AASR, Southern Jurisdiction, USA)

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 12:54pm
Originally posted by Stuntman98 Stuntman98 wrote:

We last did it around august 09, we had a bro in there who couldn't remember the word, WM wasn't pleased with him or the bro who vouched for because they both should have prepared for what they "knew" was going to happen.

If one does not know the word they will not be allowed entrance in my lodge.  It does not matter it they can walk, grip, recite, ect.  There are somethings a Mason never forgets.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: edwmax
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 2:28pm
Originally posted by chevyman chevyman wrote:

hello brothers.
 as a new mastermason 3-23-10. i am still very new to the craft. i have a question to the identification and trial of fellow brotheren. i know there are certain questions and answers to try and validate men as masons. ....

The only true and correct way to try man as a Mason was taught to you though the EA, FC & MM catechisms.    Your Mentor was right, this should only be done in private and start with verifying valid current Dues Cards.  Be sure to cross check the signature against the signature on a picture ID such as a Drivers License.   ..... Anything else is just fun & games as it varies greatly from Lodge to Lodge.

Now, PHA seems to have a published set of questions & answers, but that is still just fun & games and not the correct method to verify a Mason.   ... It is a valid Dues Card from a recognized Lodge.

"He who would assume to govern others must first learn to govern himself."

Thomasville 369

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 2:36pm
Originally posted by edwmax edwmax wrote:

Now, PHA seems to have a published set of questions & answers, but that is still just fun & games and not the correct method to verify a Mason.   ... It is a valid Dues Card from a recognized Lodge.

PHA has not.  There is a published set of questions and answers, and if a PHA GL's uses this as a method then they are wrong.  Hopefully none do.  Mine does not.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 3:40pm

I am not aware of any set questions, i would assume if someone had set questions then somebody could get those questions and gain access to the lodge

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: edwmax
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 6:45pm
Originally posted by Flotown79 Flotown79 wrote:

Originally posted by edwmax edwmax wrote:

Now, PHA seems to have a published set of questions & answers, but that is still just fun & games and not the correct method to verify a Mason.   ... It is a valid Dues Card from a recognized Lodge.

PHA has not.  There is a published set of questions and answers, and if a PHA GL's uses this as a method then they are wrong.  Hopefully none do.  Mine does not.

I was referring from to the MASONIC CATCH-E-KISM by M.J. Barrett from Macoy Publ - . -

I was not referring to published rituals.   This may not be PHA per say, but it seems to be very popular reference for "defending one's light".

1. Q - I see you were a penniless one too?
A - Having nothing of a metallic ********
2. Q – I see a spider on you; where did you get it?
A – It got on me ********
3. Q – What a pretty ring - - what did you give for it?
A – I paid for it dearly *********
4. Q – Why are you wearing that emblem?
A – I was *****

To see the answers get Raised, then buy the book......

"He who would assume to govern others must first learn to govern himself."

Thomasville 369

Posted By: Flotown79
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 7:44pm
Originally posted by edwmax edwmax wrote:

.....This may not be PHA per say, but it seems to be very popular reference for "defending one's light".

I agree.  I call men that rely on this uninformed or misguided.


F. E. Thomas III, MPS

Posted By: edwmax
Date Posted: May/26/2010 at 8:09pm
Originally posted by Stuntman98 Stuntman98 wrote:

I am not aware of any set questions, i would assume if someone had set questions then somebody could get those questions and gain access to the lodge

The Masonic Catach-e-kism will not get anyone into a Lodge.   There are published rituals, Duncan's the most known.   These will not get you into a Lodge.  At least not if the Tyler or SD knows what he is doing.

"He who would assume to govern others must first learn to govern himself."

Thomasville 369

Posted By: CDenz
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 1:40am
I've never traveled to another lodge, I was only raised a few hours ago, but I would assume I would not be let into another lodge without strict trial and due examination by a lawfully constituted lodge of Freemasons.  


Posted By: tm274
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 3:10am
Originally posted by CDenz CDenz wrote:

I've never traveled to another lodge, I was only raised a few hours ago, but I would assume I would not be let into another lodge without strict trial and due examination by a lawfully constituted lodge of Freemasons.  
You assumed right.Wink
Now that you're Raised...exercise that new gift you have now gained......... and travel.Big%20smile

Initiated : 23rd April 2002
Passed   : 25th June 2002
Raised    : 24th Sept 2002

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
32° Farenheit is certainly not higher than 3° Cel.

Posted By: Hyksos
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 8:28am
Originally posted by DBlair DBlair wrote:

Bro. Hyksos- Where in FL?

I am a member of Gainesville Lodge #41, but I will be moving in August to Miami to attend law school. I will, however, be in Gainesville for the new GM's visit first visit to our district, which happens to be at our lodge. The 2009 GM gave me his pin, so I'm hoping to get the new GM's pin as well. Plus it's always a pleasure to meet the Most Worshipful.

I got the pin when the GM sat in lodge for an EA degree to make sure everything went smoothly, the candidate was the first African American initiate at our lodge since its creation in 1857. Even got a picture with GM, me and basically everyone else in the lodge.

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 9:10am
Originally posted by Hyksos Hyksos wrote:

Originally posted by DBlair DBlair wrote:

Bro. Hyksos- Where in FL?

I am a member of Gainesville Lodge #41, but I will be moving in August to Miami to attend law school. I will, however, be in Gainesville for the new GM's visit first visit to our district, which happens to be at our lodge. The 2009 GM gave me his pin, so I'm hoping to get the new GM's pin as well. Plus it's always a pleasure to meet the Most Worshipful.

I got the pin when the GM sat in lodge for an EA degree to make sure everything went smoothly, the candidate was the first African American initiate at our lodge since its creation in 1857. Even got a picture with GM, me and basically everyone else in the lodge.
I love hearing examples of true freemasonry being practiced.

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: OLDGOLD3
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 2:28pm
I will say that I have only heard the bogus bodies use the spider and the penniless test, NOT  Prince Hall but I can only speak for my state.

First Of ALL

Posted By: PSquared
Date Posted: July/02/2010 at 7:25am

At the end of my initiation one of the brothers sstood up , during the part where they all spoke  to welcome me and said the following.....

"Keep in mind that that at this time the only men you TRULY know to be your brothers are seated in this room at this very minute...remember your obligations, and hold them dear."  That had a profound impact on me for some reason.
Since my initiation I have seen many Emblems on cars and I typically just wave...I think they know simply by that, and nothing more really needs to be said.  One of my brothers (who was at my initiation) did come into my shop and we shook hands, I initially went to a regular handshake and he offered me the appropriate grip as no one was around and said CONGRATS brother!! 

Statham Lodge #634 F&AM, Statham,GA

Initiated: 6/24/10
Passed   : 9/23/10
Raised   : 10/29/10

Junior Deacon
2011 Mason of the Year
Statham #634

Posted By: aogop
Date Posted: July/02/2010 at 12:14pm
Many jurisdictions make it mandatory that EAs and FCs cannot make visitations to other lodges, unless with a sponsoring MM to come with them.  Our GL does not issue dues cards until a member is raised, pays the yearly dues and signs the book, so there really isnt a way a EA or FC could make a visitiation alone anyways- assuming the Tyler is doing his job of course.


PM- Shoreline Lodge#248 F&AM

Shoreline, WA.

Posted By: Hyksos
Date Posted: July/02/2010 at 6:09pm
Originally posted by aogop aogop wrote:

Many jurisdictions make it mandatory that EAs and FCs cannot make visitations to other lodges, unless with a sponsoring MM to come with them.  Our GL does not issue dues cards until a member is raised, pays the yearly dues and signs the book, so there really isnt a way a EA or FC could make a visitiation alone anyways- assuming the Tyler is doing his job of course.

An EA or FC could make a visit to a lodge's dinner though, for instance I was an EA at Gainesville #41 at the time (my college town) and visited Jupiter's lodge dinner and introduced myself.  I did not sit in lodge, sure, but I still got my face out there and met the officers.  If I end up moving back to the area around my family and becoming a member at this lodge then I'll know some people already.

Posted By: daves
Date Posted: July/02/2010 at 6:53pm
Originally posted by aogop aogop wrote:

Many jurisdictions make it mandatory that EAs and FCs cannot make visitations to other lodges, unless with a sponsoring MM to come with them.  Our GL does not issue dues cards until a member is raised, pays the yearly dues and signs the book, so there really isnt a way a EA or FC could make a visitiation alone anyways- assuming the Tyler is doing his job of course.

Under the GL of Western Australia an EA or FC can only visit other Lodges under arrangements made by his WM. This is usually not a problem as visitation is regarded as an essential part of Freemasonry here.

The Carrington Lodge (WAC 363)
Bassendean RAC (WAC 20)
18th Boucaut RC (AASR Australia 5)" rel="nofollow - The Carrington Lodge

Posted By: iluminado
Date Posted: July/03/2010 at 8:11am
I have been tried quite a number of times in the past in ny and ga. Once I was tried in the middle of parade in NYC
The funny thing was I half laughed througout the entire exchange because 1. I dont think he was expecting me to be prepared and 2. He was obviously oblivious that we were in the middle of a major parade!

I didn't take exception or offense nor did I pull out my dues card because I wanted to see how far
he was going to go with it. Eventually he tripped himself up and had to be off. LOL

Nowadays I wouldn't bother other than to tease the young brothers in my lodge to
test their profiency. Outside that it's a card and a hello....eventhough anyone can
create a card or purchase one from macoy

Posted By: FlawedAshlar
Date Posted: July/03/2010 at 4:32pm
I've sometimes wondered what the point is of trying someone in public or "on the street" as you might put it. If I find someone to truly be a Mason, I've wasted my time and perhaps put him off by not taking him at his word. If I find him to not be a Mason, I haven't gained anything but an enemy, and there's nothing I could do about him wearing a ring or a tshirt, anyway. The only thing that is likely to happen, is that I'll get frustrated that someone is lying and disgracing The Craft, and probably be emotionally upset about it.

Generally speaking, if I meet someone who claims to be a Mason, unless they are asking for some sort of favor, or I should see they are in need of assistance, whether they are truly a Mason or not is completely irrelevant. We owe our kindness to all mankind. And honestly, I'd always rather take someone at their word and do something nice for a complete stranger who turns out to not be a Mason, then wrongfully decide a brother is NOT a Mason, and not provide him the aid he may require.

At the end of the day, if I do something nice for someone who doesn't deserve it, I will be a much happier person than if I deny some kindness to someone who truly does deserve it.

Now, if a stranger is asking for a favor that I would normally only give to someone of my own family, and they are asking under the pretense of themselves being a Mason, if it's an emergency, and I don't find the situation risky to myself, I might just help them and worry about it later. If it's not an emergency, I would ask to see their dues card. If they did not have their dues card, and it was something I really did not want to do, I'm not sure what I'd do. I think I have trouble answering this question because I can't even think of a situation where this could happen. I'd like to think that if anyone really needed help, and it was within my ability to help them, I would - regardless of their Masonic affiliation.

Just my two cents.


Every day, I'm hustlin'.

Junior Steward
Mount Zion Lodge #135
Metuchen, New Jersey

I: 2009-03-26
P: 2009-06-25
R: 2009-10-31

Posted By: c.m.ellis
Date Posted: July/03/2010 at 10:05pm
I was tried a couple of days ago for the first time.  I am visiting family in Knoxville, TN and visited my cousin's Lodge (Charles H. McKinney No. 433).  I couldn't understand why, but my hands were shaking terribly the whole time during the trial.  I guess I was afraid of running into problems with differences between the rituals.  I ended up stumbled through the Oath and questions, but gaining admission.  However, I heard a couple of days later that the Worshipful Master and Wardens were extremely impressed with my delivery.  I was dumbfounded.

Chris Ellis

Posted By: Bro.Benjamin
Date Posted: July/07/2010 at 5:13pm
Thanks for posting as i was wondering this myself. Although i have never been tried i know it will happen someday and im sure i will know how to handle myself.

Widow's Mite #475 PHA, Senior Deacon
Stanfied-Turner Council #53 KOP, Sir Knight
Phylaxis Society, MPS
Martin Luther King Jr. Commandery No. 14
George Washington Carver Consistory #162

Posted By: m.lewis
Date Posted: June/05/2016 at 8:07am
"Mines for yours." Dues cards and ID to verify identity.  I'm PH in CA and we don't do the challenging in my lodge. Some Brethren may play around in other lodges but that's up to them.

Past Master
Good Hope Lodge #29 F&AM
MWPHGL,F&AM, State of California,Inc.
Oakland, CA
Passed: 4/17/09
Raised: 9/25/09

Posted By: BroScubaSteve
Date Posted: June/08/2016 at 1:56pm
This thread has been raised to the sublime degree of master mason

Let me guess: You were reading old material and accidentally replied to a 6 year old conversation.

Initiated 4-22-13
Passed 5-29-13
Raised 6-27-13

Junior Deacon
32°AASR NMJ, Southern Valley of NJ

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