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Where Do You Sit.

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Topic: Where Do You Sit.
Posted By: Stuntman98
Subject: Where Do You Sit.
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 7:58am
Where do you sit in YOUR lodge, myself my last seat before i left kuwait was at the Right hand of the J.W.Yes

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 8:20am
I'm filling in the same seat for a brother that just moved out of state. 

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 8:51am
That is a most glorious position to find yourself in, you have the Honor of "prepairing" the candidates!

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Tarditi
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 9:34am
In the South

Dustin Tarditi, PM
James B Green #735 A.F. & A.M.

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 9:44am
Then Bro Tarditi I am your Right hand Man, I will watch the Beauty along side you!

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: MDAncientMason
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 2:51pm
Like Bro. Tarditi, in the South.

St. Alban Universal #233-WM
Collington #230
Patxuent #218

York #44 RAM
York #23 RSM
York #16 KT-PEC
AMD #483

Posted By: fireman99
Date Posted: May/19/2010 at 3:03pm
I usually sit in the comfy couch sectionApprove..... but since I am very new, I did sit in the JD seat last meeting. Probably will be going to either SS or JS next meeting..... the WM told me he already had a plan for me.

Posted By: Resquerra
Date Posted: May/22/2010 at 4:37pm
I have the honor of sitting in the east this year.

Ronald Esquerra
Grand Island lodge #422 F&AM
Worshipful Master

Posted By: Palmetto Bug
Date Posted: May/22/2010 at 4:59pm
This is a tough question for me to answer. Most of the time in my lodge - I sit at the Secretary's desk. If I am making an official visit to my own lodge, however, I sit to the right of the WM or - if I like - I sit in his seat.

Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.

Posted By: fireman99
Date Posted: May/22/2010 at 6:29pm
Hey PB..... when you make an "official" visit to your Lodge...have you ever found where the Sec makes a mistakeBig%20smile....... JK........

Posted By: Palmetto Bug
Date Posted: May/23/2010 at 1:22pm
Originally posted by fireman99 fireman99 wrote:

Hey PB..... when you make an "official" visit to your Lodge...have you ever found where the Sec makes a mistakeBig%20smile....... JK........
The Secretary of my lodge has the best books in the district and I always make sure to publicly acknowledge such when making remarks during an official visit to my lodge. Wink
My WM and I have a good laugh over the whole arrangement. We are in positions where we could - theoretically - override each other.

Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.

Posted By: Mikhail
Date Posted: May/23/2010 at 7:28pm
I currently sit to the right of the SW in the West.

Chicago, IL

---Be humble in all of your dealings...---

Posted By: 3DistinctKnocks
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 5:56am
In the South here. 
Good one, Bug....funny.

Past Master" rel="nofollow - Pontotoc Lodge #81 F.&A.M.
OES Pontotoc Chapter #42" rel="nofollow - The Trestle Board

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: May/24/2010 at 2:48pm
I have a deployment coming up so hopefully (depending on where i deploy) i be at the right hand of the MM sitting in the West.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: 430
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 4:48pm
In the West. Hopefully I'll preside in the East this year. 

Triune Lodge #430 F & AM
M W Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Alabama (PHA)
1 Corinthians 2: 10-14 (The Master Builder)

Posted By: Grady_Squared
Date Posted: May/27/2010 at 5:05pm
To the right of the SW in the West.

Posted By: Buckcorncobb
Date Posted: May/28/2010 at 12:35pm
at the right  of the WM in the East

Posted By: droche
Date Posted: May/28/2010 at 1:58pm
Usually on the back bench in the back corner of the Lodge room.

Posted By: KSigMason
Date Posted: May/28/2010 at 3:23pm
As the Jr. Past Master, I am without the door armed with the proper implement of my office.

Bro. Barry E. Newell" rel="nofollow - Traveling Templar - 04MAR2017

Posted By: Trace
Date Posted: May/28/2010 at 4:03pm
In the dark north with the rest of the PGM's (Past Grumpy Masters) sleeping till some one messes up a word in ritual and wakes us ALL up, or until some one proposes we do something we don't normallly do and like a bunch of parrots we all say "Thats not how we did it in my day...blah, blah, blah.)
Yea I sit in the north cause the south is usually full and once your butt has warmed the orential chair the north is the only place you haven't sat for a very, long, long time.  The view is much differnt in the North.

Posted By: LBCutta1784
Date Posted: June/01/2010 at 6:26am
Before I had to leave my lodge to deploy to Iraq I was the Treasurer. A seat I would rather not have

New Light Lodge #242 F&AM
Killeen, TX

Posted By: Anthony660
Date Posted: June/01/2010 at 3:33pm
To the right of the WM in the East, but soon to the South.

PM Alhambra #322 F&AM
West Covina #446 F&AM
Pasadena Valley AASR
Al Malaikah Shrine AAONMS
Cinema Grotto, MOVPER
GC Aben Zoar, Order of Alhambra

Posted By: brother felix
Date Posted: June/03/2010 at 6:01pm
On the second step.

Brother Valderrama
Heir's of Abraham #069
Norfolk Va.
Mines for yours!
initiated Nov 18, 2006
Passed    Mar 27, 2007
"Born on" Oct 5, 2007

Posted By: NuPHAmilymember
Date Posted: June/10/2010 at 1:10pm
I sit to the right of WM in the East

Coastal Bend Lodge No. 497
Corpus Christi, TX

I walk in the Light never lowering my standards to meet another's, remembering always that I am someone's image of a MASON.

Posted By: stonecutter
Date Posted: June/10/2010 at 3:36pm
I served as chaplain for 2 years after doing a 2-year stint in the East and now I sit outside the Inner Door with a drawn sword in my hand. Think they're trying to tell me something???

We can't solve our problems by using the same kind of thinking that created them.

Posted By: edwmax
Date Posted: June/10/2010 at 3:43pm
Originally posted by stonecutter stonecutter wrote:

I served as chaplain for 2 years after doing a 2-year stint in the East and now I sit outside the Inner Door with a drawn sword in my hand. Think they're trying to tell me something???

You being the only one ARMED, I don't think they will be speaking very loud. .... LOL ..

"He who would assume to govern others must first learn to govern himself."

Thomasville 369

Posted By: droche
Date Posted: June/10/2010 at 7:15pm
Originally posted by stonecutter stonecutter wrote:

I served as chaplain for 2 years after doing a 2-year stint in the East and now I sit outside the Inner Door with a drawn sword in my hand. Think they're trying to tell me something???

I think it bodes well for you that they did not tell you to fall on the sword.

Posted By: Stormy
Date Posted: June/11/2010 at 9:56am
I was just elected to sit at the Secretary's table last night.

Posted By: fresh497
Date Posted: June/11/2010 at 10:59am
Officially i sit to the right of Strenghth.  I have also been armed up (to close the lodge after i was raised), i have also sat behind Beauty.

Coastal Bend Lodge #497
Corpus Christi, TX

I Am My Brothers Keeper

Posted By: clamman
Date Posted: June/11/2010 at 1:58pm
I sit in the south, except on EA nights I am in the east

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: June/14/2010 at 8:56am
That is as it should be JW for EA's SW for FC's and WM for MM.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Lord MacVADER
Date Posted: June/15/2010 at 7:40am
In the West in the Blue
In the East in the Red....HP
In the East in the purple....Illust Master
In the East in the BLACK...EC

Golden Fleece Lodge #6 Covington GA WM 11
Covington Chapter No 71 PHP
Covington Council No 41 P Illust. Master
St. Bernard Commandery No 25 - P E. Commander

Posted By: phllip1969
Date Posted: June/17/2010 at 3:02pm
I sit in the West in my home lodge , the South in my other lodge and where ever I am needed in every other Lodge I visit .

Posted By: daves
Date Posted: June/17/2010 at 7:45pm
Near to the right of the SW. From this August I will be sitting near to the right of the WM.

The Carrington Lodge (WAC 363)
Bassendean RAC (WAC 20)
18th Boucaut RC (AASR Australia 5)" rel="nofollow - The Carrington Lodge

Posted By: mustangcobratim
Date Posted: June/17/2010 at 8:17pm
i sit to the right of the j.w. in the steward's chair!

Timothy E. Brewster II
Mt. clemens lodge No.6 F&A.M

Posted By: tm274
Date Posted: June/18/2010 at 9:29am
Originally posted by daves daves wrote:

Near to the right of the SW. From this August I will be sitting near to the right of the WM.
 Keep'em honest....!!!!Wink

Initiated : 23rd April 2002
Passed   : 25th June 2002
Raised    : 24th Sept 2002

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
32° Farenheit is certainly not higher than 3° Cel.

Posted By: daves
Date Posted: June/19/2010 at 1:26am
Originally posted by tm274 tm274 wrote:

Originally posted by daves daves wrote:

Near to the right of the SW. From this August I will be sitting near to the right of the WM.
 Keep'em honest....!!!!Wink

Good to see you've arrived safely!

The Carrington Lodge (WAC 363)
Bassendean RAC (WAC 20)
18th Boucaut RC (AASR Australia 5)" rel="nofollow - The Carrington Lodge

Posted By: Jrze
Date Posted: June/21/2010 at 3:17pm
To the right and in front of the JW..


Posted By: david918
Date Posted: June/25/2010 at 7:06pm
At the secretary's desk again

Posted By: FlawedAshlar
Date Posted: July/01/2010 at 11:18am
Junior Steward's chair, at least until it's time to make coffee!


Every day, I'm hustlin'.

Junior Steward
Mount Zion Lodge #135
Metuchen, New Jersey

I: 2009-03-26
P: 2009-06-25
R: 2009-10-31

Posted By: BrotherAck
Date Posted: July/03/2010 at 10:21pm
Im the SEC 

Brother Ackerman
Pikes Peak
Lodge #5

Posted By: coach
Date Posted: July/04/2010 at 9:11am
NE Corner - Musician Violin

Building Builders - Masonic Education!" rel="nofollow - Books I Wrote |" rel="nofollow - My FB Wall

Posted By: BLange
Date Posted: July/18/2010 at 7:43pm
I'm pretty new, NE corner.......


Initiated 5/12/2010
Passed    5/26/2010
Raised    6/16/2010

El Kahir Shrine

Posted By: SquareLevelPlumb
Date Posted: July/19/2010 at 3:43pm
The WM said He has a plan for me. What it is i dont know. He said he wants me working coming in.

Posted By: TheMo
Date Posted: July/20/2010 at 11:42am
I'm in the west, to the right hand of the SW.

Birch Cliff Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 612 G.R.C.
King Solomon Chapter No. 8 R.A.M. G.R.C.
Adoniram Council No. 2. R.S.M.
Geoffrey de St. Aldemar Preceptory No. 2. K.T.
2nd VP, Scarborough Masonic Temple

Posted By: KSigMason
Date Posted: July/20/2010 at 10:03pm
Originally posted by david918 david918 wrote:

At the secretary's desk again
Originally posted by BrotherAck BrotherAck wrote:

Im the SEC 

Having served in the East, I have the greatest respect for Secretaries.

Originally posted by BLange BLange wrote:

I'm pretty new, NE corner.......

Important nonetheless.

Originally posted by SquareLevelPlumb SquareLevelPlumb wrote:

The WM said He has a plan for me. What it is i dont know. He said he wants me working coming in.

Be afraid, be very afraid. j/k Evil Smile

Bro. Barry E. Newell" rel="nofollow - Traveling Templar - 04MAR2017

Posted By: TUC
Date Posted: August/08/2010 at 2:15pm

after I was Raised to the Sublime Degree of MM, I became Senior Steward.

Though lost, I aspire.


David Cabler, Senior Steward

Port Huron Lodge No 58 F&AM, GLMI       

Huron Chapter No 27 RAM

Port Huron Commandery No 7 (

Posted By: vdubguru
Date Posted: August/26/2010 at 2:24pm
at or near the right hand of the SW

Worshipful Master - Niagara No.2
Niagara Chapter No.55
Elgin Lodge of Perfection - Niagara Valley

Posted By: joec
Date Posted: September/01/2010 at 2:58pm
Right hand of the SW.

And love our PM sitting in the Muppet section like the 2 older gents from the muppets. They laugh just like they do when somebody messes up..LOL

Joseph Conover
Central Lodge #44
Vincentown, NJ
Southern Valley of NJ
Scottish Rite 32*

Date Posted: September/01/2010 at 6:03pm

Currently SW of my lodge.

Unity Lodge #454
W.P.Brown Chapter #142 HRAM
E. J. Jackson #8 KT
Mohammed Temple #34 AEAONMS
J.L.H.Smith Consistory #76 USC SJ PHA

Posted By: Pilgrim691
Date Posted: September/05/2010 at 8:43pm
I am in the East this year at least until December when we hold elections and it looks as though I will be back in the East next year - I was told I have to stay there until I get it right - I think this may be a life sentence LOL

P.M. Pilgrim #691

VSA & 33rd Valley of Steubenville

Family Life Chairmen Valley of Steubenville

Past M. W. M. Rose Croix Valley of Steubenville

Membership Committee Valley of Steubenville

Posted By: M.Larkins
Date Posted: September/05/2010 at 10:28pm
At home unfortunatly,  they changed our meeting night to a week night and now I can't make ot to my home lodge

Pilgrim Lodge 691
Steubenville, Ohio

Posted By: Barnacle Bill
Date Posted: September/06/2010 at 1:20am
Originally posted by Stuntman98 Stuntman98 wrote:

Where do you sit in YOUR lodge, myself my last seat before i left kuwait was at the Right hand of the J.W.Yes

Same here, but I am in Copperas Cove, TX.  I sit in this spot with the brothers who were initiated and raised around the same time as  was because I get a better view of the lodge proceedings and, being the youngest/newest MM in the lodge, I feel it's easier to learn the traditions, rules, regulations, and by-laws of Blue Lodge this way.  Plus the JW will explain anything to me if I ask or get a look of confusion on my face.

"Quando Omni Flunkus... Moritati! - Mr. Red Green

Posted By: East_Regalia
Date Posted: September/06/2010 at 5:14am
I was in the North for 2 years and now sit to the side of the SW in one Lodge and the side of the Master in the other. 

Senior Deacon
Lodge Lane Xang 1632 on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Fine Masonic Regalia supplies at - the East Regalia website

Posted By: ka5bhy
Date Posted: September/07/2010 at 10:27pm
I currently sit in the south with my brethren but I have sat in all of the chairs in the lodge including the East.

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: September/11/2010 at 1:23pm
I sit at the right hand of the WM in the East.

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: excellencee
Date Posted: September/11/2010 at 9:41pm
The R.W. Grand Master of Pennsylvania and the M.W. Grand Master of Ohio will be making an informal visit to my lodges stated meeting this Tuesday. I'll be sitting as Pursuivant at my first stated meeting. What an honor!

Past Master - Mahoning-New Castle Lodge 243
AASR Valley of New Castle
Hiram's Scottish Riders - Charter Member
Syria Shrine

Posted By: KSigMason
Date Posted: September/18/2010 at 12:40am
At the Lodge of Research meeting the other day I was re-elected to the West.  I'm guessing I will be re-elected to all my current elected positions while I'm deployed.

Bro. Barry E. Newell" rel="nofollow - Traveling Templar - 04MAR2017

Posted By: justinl
Date Posted: September/20/2010 at 9:40pm
It appears, as of right now from the coming in Master, that I will be sitting at the Junior Steward's station. I've got a Brother who is going to help me learn the work for this station. I'm looking forward to it!


Justin Lundeen
Alpha Lodge No. 155, A.F.&A.M.
Galesburg, IL

E.A. - Oct. 25, 2005
F.C. - Nov. 07, 2005
M.M. - Nov. 30, 2005

Posted By: mrgregory29
Date Posted: September/26/2010 at 9:13pm
Coming to the end of my first year in the East.

St. James Lodge #229
James Crane Ch. #37 H.R.A.M
MWPHGL F.& A.M. Jurisdiction of Oklahoma

Posted By: KSigMason
Date Posted: September/26/2010 at 10:14pm
Even though I'm deployed I'm still at the will and pleasure of the Brothers, Companions, Sir Knights, and Companion Knights.  I look forward to the elections to see what happens.  I think I will be re-elected to all my current chairs except in the Royal Arch Chapter.

At Grand Lodge a few weeks ago I was re-elected to sit in the West in the Lodge of Research.  The Brothers tried to elect me to the East, but I declined as I would not be able to perform my duties or be installed.  The latter being enforced by our jurisdictions Consitution and By-Laws.

Bro. Barry E. Newell" rel="nofollow - Traveling Templar - 04MAR2017

Posted By: mellymel
Date Posted: September/30/2010 at 2:01am
To the right of the wm goin to the south next yr

Acacia logde #7
Sd line officer
Travel light

Posted By: SquareLevelPlumb
Date Posted: October/03/2010 at 7:23am
I sit in the CORNER. Cool

Posted By: TUC
Date Posted: October/03/2010 at 9:34pm
I was officially asked to sit as the JD next year by the SW. So, in December, I will be installed. I will also be given the task of "Charge Bearer." This is apparently due to my inability to say, "no." Geek
I look forward to it, as I find the ritual quite appealing and insightful. The JW this year has also asked me to participate in some Masonic plays that he wants to present in Lodge [due to the necessity to Tile].
Next year should be very interesting in this area and I am grateful and appreciative to be a part of it! Yes
I extend my fraternal hand 2 Beers to those Brethren who also will be in chairs and to those that will be learning also.
Have a Fantastic Masonic Year, Brothers!

Though lost, I aspire.


David Cabler, Senior Steward

Port Huron Lodge No 58 F&AM, GLMI       

Huron Chapter No 27 RAM

Port Huron Commandery No 7 (

Posted By: YoungBlood
Date Posted: October/05/2010 at 12:27am
There are talks of me possibly being balloted for the Junior Warden chair.
(I have already given my MM proficiency, so that isn't a problem)

Apparently I have impressed the members with my ability to memorize at a fairly quick rate.


I - Oct 17, 2009

P - Jan 16, 2010

R - March 6, 2010

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - Nov 13, 2010

Sir Knight - Feb 26, 201

Posted By: East_Regalia
Date Posted: October/05/2010 at 2:07am
Wow, only 6 months as a MM and you are headed for the South. How many active Brethren in your Lodge? Certainly in our Scottish system the norm is to start from IG then up through Deacons then Wardens and finally into the East. Personally, as a JD in one Lodge and a SD in another, I recommend being a Deacon. Its a very rewarding and interesting role to play. Last Masonic year, I was JD and guided my friend and candidate through the 1st. Later this month I get to take him through his 2nd Degree as the SD !

My personal feeling is that to get the most out of Masonry, one should not rush through degrees or actively seek higher office. Only with time, hard work and experience can the prefect Ashlar be crafted.

Senior Deacon
Lodge Lane Xang 1632 on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.

Fine Masonic Regalia supplies at - the East Regalia website

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: October/05/2010 at 11:37am
Originally posted by YoungBlood YoungBlood wrote:

There are talks of me possibly being balloted for the Junior Warden chair.
(I have already given my MM proficiency, so that isn't a problem)

Apparently I have impressed the members with my ability to memorize at a fairly quick rate.

You have to appointed as a JD or SD before you can be elected to be a JW in my lodge.  As well as good memory skills, you must cook pretty good as wellWink, lol.

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: YoungBlood
Date Posted: October/07/2010 at 1:02pm
Originally posted by East_Regalia East_Regalia wrote:

Wow, only 6 months as a MM and you are headed for the South. How many active Brethren in your Lodge? Certainly in our Scottish system the norm is to start from IG then up through Deacons then Wardens and finally into the East. Personally, as a JD in one Lodge and a SD in another, I recommend being a Deacon. Its a very rewarding and interesting role to play. Last Masonic year, I was JD and guided my friend and candidate through the 1st. Later this month I get to take him through his 2nd Degree as the SD !

My personal feeling is that to get the most out of Masonry, one should not rush through degrees or actively seek higher office. Only with time, hard work and experience can the prefect Ashlar be crafted.

There's simply not brothers that don't want to hold a chair. And as it has rather lengthy parts (as opposed to the lower chairs) some of the members feel that I would be better suited in the JW chair.

It's not a definite deal yet though - so don't hold your breath.

- YB

I - Oct 17, 2009

P - Jan 16, 2010

R - March 6, 2010

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - Nov 13, 2010

Sir Knight - Feb 26, 201

Posted By: YoungBlood
Date Posted: October/07/2010 at 1:03pm
Originally posted by 150man 150man wrote:

You have to appointed as a JD or SD before you can be elected to be a JW in my lodge.  As well as good memory skills, you must cook pretty good as wellWink, lol.

I was going to settle for a JD spot, but apparently I've impressed some people with the memorization work. LOL

I - Oct 17, 2009

P - Jan 16, 2010

R - March 6, 2010

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - Nov 13, 2010

Sir Knight - Feb 26, 201

Posted By: gnarledrose
Date Posted: October/07/2010 at 1:27pm
I'm sitting as chaplain for the remainder of this year and next year. It was humbling to find out that when the chaplain kneels at the alter, he actually presides over the lodge for the duration of the prayer.

Posted By: capquest
Date Posted: October/08/2010 at 9:28pm
To the left of the last seven WMs.

Capt. D
Ashlar 98
F & AM Florida

Posted By: 26Troadster
Date Posted: October/14/2010 at 6:47am
i have made the rounds one time, and if i can get by some things that have gotten in the way, i will make the round again. i left the east over a year ago, starting into the second year now, sometimes life, grandson's football, grandauther's school, and work get in the way of things i like to do, but i never forget who i am, and where i came from.

Posted By: simple man
Date Posted: October/16/2010 at 11:30am
Outside as I am only an E.A.

Initiated 03/04/2008
Passed 01/21/2013
Raised 02/04/2013
S.D. Ft. Valley #110
Scribe Chapter Austin #18
I. M. Council H. C. Rigdon #35
C.G. Commandery Ivanhoe #10
32° Valley of Macon
Al Sihah Shrine

Posted By: Barnacle Bill
Date Posted: October/21/2010 at 11:04am

A group of us newer MMs sit in the south at the sides of the JW.  It gives us a better view of everything going on in the lodge (sepecially during ceremonies) and we have a knowledgable brother close by to answer questions for us (not that the other brothers wouldn't). 

We don't sit in the north because we use a projector for lectures and ceremonies and the images are projected on the north wall.

"Quando Omni Flunkus... Moritati! - Mr. Red Green

Posted By: ejones
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 2:41pm
the current WM informed me that he wants me to sit in the West as the SW next year or else he'll be a PM helping only when needed

Initiated 4/17/10
Passed 5/15/10
Raised 6/5/10

Spring Branch Lodge No. 41
Dunchan J Whitted Chapter No. 80 HRAM

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 2:52pm
Originally posted by ejones ejones wrote:

the current WM informed me that he wants me to sit in the West as the SW next year or else he'll be a PM helping only when needed
 Wow.  Do you think you are ready, just being raised this year? 

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: ejones
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 3:12pm
i do believe so, since being raised i've been visiting many other lodges and seeing how things run from different perspectives, and he's also going to help prepare me

Initiated 4/17/10
Passed 5/15/10
Raised 6/5/10

Spring Branch Lodge No. 41
Dunchan J Whitted Chapter No. 80 HRAM

Posted By: 150man
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 4:08pm
Good Luck Brother. 

Pleiades Lodge 478
Illumination Lodge No. 5
Old Chicago York Rite Bodies
Medinah Shriners
Valley of Chicago
Illuminati AMD Council No 495

Posted By: daves
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 6:36pm
Here in the GLWA, to be qualified for election as the Master of your Lodge, you must have been a MM for three years and a Warden for one year.

The Carrington Lodge (WAC 363)
Bassendean RAC (WAC 20)
18th Boucaut RC (AASR Australia 5)" rel="nofollow - The Carrington Lodge

Posted By: ejones
Date Posted: November/01/2010 at 11:09pm
yeah, it will be about a year by then

Initiated 4/17/10
Passed 5/15/10
Raised 6/5/10

Spring Branch Lodge No. 41
Dunchan J Whitted Chapter No. 80 HRAM

Posted By: log cabin Bill
Date Posted: November/02/2010 at 8:01am
As SD in my lodge, I sit at the right hand of the WM in the East.  After St. John's day in Dec. I will be sitting in the chair of the JW in the South, the better to observe the sun at high meridian, the beauty and glory of the day.

North Hills Lodge, #716,PM
Allegheny RAM,#217,PHP
Allegheny Council,#38,PTIM
Allegheny Commandery #35
Knight Masons,Gateway To The West Council #5
AASR,Valley of Pgh.
Syria Shrine
Islam Grotto

Posted By: KSigMason
Date Posted: November/02/2010 at 3:53pm
Congratulations Bill on your election to the South.

Bro. Barry E. Newell" rel="nofollow - Traveling Templar - 04MAR2017

Posted By: Bro.Benjamin
Date Posted: December/31/2010 at 10:16am
For the 2011 calender year I will be SD my second year as such.

Widow's Mite #475 PHA, Senior Deacon
Stanfied-Turner Council #53 KOP, Sir Knight
Phylaxis Society, MPS
Martin Luther King Jr. Commandery No. 14
George Washington Carver Consistory #162

Posted By: khaos16
Date Posted: December/31/2010 at 1:26pm
For 2011 I will be sitting amongst the craft, I gave up my seat as JW. 

Truth & Union Lodge #594 F&AM

Posted By: MDAncientMason
Date Posted: January/19/2011 at 9:11pm
For 2011, I will be in the West.

St. Alban Universal #233-WM
Collington #230
Patxuent #218

York #44 RAM
York #23 RSM
York #16 KT-PEC
AMD #483

Posted By: gnarledrose
Date Posted: January/20/2011 at 1:34pm
I got moved from chaplain to JD for 2011-- exciting and humbling!

Junior Warden, Damascus #10, F&AM of Utah

Knight Templar

Posted By: YoungBlood
Date Posted: January/20/2011 at 3:47pm
Mother lodge: JW
Second lodge: SD

I - Oct 17, 2009

P - Jan 16, 2010

R - March 6, 2010

Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret - Nov 13, 2010

Sir Knight - Feb 26, 201

Posted By: ernon
Date Posted: January/20/2011 at 7:07pm
Usually, in the bottom row in the south.


Grants Pass Lodge #84 A.F.&A.M.
Medford Lodge #103 A.F.&A.M.
32° A.A.S.R. Valley of Medford
Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: January/21/2011 at 1:03pm
Originally posted by BrotherAck BrotherAck wrote:

Im the SEC 
Pikes Peak No. 5 Colorado Springs   How Bout That how's Doc doing?

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: January/21/2011 at 1:05pm
Originally posted by fireman99 fireman99 wrote:

I usually sit in the comfy couch sectionApprove..... but since I am very new, I did sit in the JD seat last meeting. Probably will be going to either SS or JS next meeting..... the WM told me he already had a plan for me.
Hey fireman I saw this and thought of you! 

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: auratorium
Date Posted: January/23/2011 at 11:15am
Originally posted by Pilgrim691 Pilgrim691 wrote:

I am in the East this year at least until December when we hold elections and it looks as though I will be back in the East next year - I was told I have to stay there until I get it right - I think this may be a life sentence LOL
Sometimes, the most sacred of all masonic PW is the word "no"

Posted By: BroClaude357
Date Posted: January/23/2011 at 5:58pm
in the South.

Initiated 2-21-05
Passed 5-19-05
Raised 7-25-05

Bethel Lodge No. 10
Bethlehem Chapter No. 41 OES
Rising Sun Chapter No. 7 HRAM

Posted By: ButchA
Date Posted: January/23/2011 at 9:20pm
In the west....  Junior Deacon's chair. Cool

EA -- 01/14/10

FC -- 02/18/10

MM -- 03/25/10

= = = = = = = =

2013 Junior Warden - Tuckahoe Lodge #347 Richmond, Virginia

32° AASR - Valley of Richmond, Orient of Virginia

Posted By: Bro. Dupree
Date Posted: January/23/2011 at 9:48pm
JW its beautiful in the South. LOL

Junior Warden
I.H. Kelly #11 PHA

To Err Is Human, To Forgive Is Divine

Posted By: BroEM357
Date Posted: January/24/2011 at 8:13am
First meeting as a MM I sat as the SS.  I really felt it was an honor because the JW who was wonderful was on my IC.   They then nominated me for the Asst Sec so I sat there until a PM took that position back.  I think the mention of mailing list, directory, membership database and website scared them. Confused

So, i'm back on the bench so to speak.  When I had the honor of visiting my Companions Lodge he is in the south, so when the WM asked me to be his SS, it was a great honor.

Emmett George III
Assistant Deacon
King Oscar 855 AF&AM Jefferson Park Masonic Temple
Valley of Chicago, AASR-NJ

Posted By: Stuntman98
Date Posted: January/24/2011 at 10:26am
Hopefull that when i find a lodge here in columbus ga, i may continue my works as the SS or maybe even kick it up a notch maybe JD.

S.S. Sons of Light No.77
P.M. Pride of The Walton No.110
MWPHGL Washington
District No.9


Posted By: MM09
Date Posted: January/27/2011 at 10:36pm
I currently am holding the position of the senior steward.

Are you a Master Mason? The Candidate answered enthusiastically, "I AM!" If you were brought to trial for being a Mason, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: February/06/2011 at 8:15am
I am moving to the East in May....

Posted By: tm274
Date Posted: February/06/2011 at 5:15pm
Originally posted by Rush Rush wrote:

I am moving to the East in May....
Oh.............they got you too.........!!!!LOL
Congrats and hope it all goes well for you.

Initiated : 23rd April 2002
Passed   : 25th June 2002
Raised    : 24th Sept 2002

Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
32° Farenheit is certainly not higher than 3° Cel.

Posted By: windrider
Date Posted: May/03/2011 at 3:40pm
In the South as JS next month.

Master, Webmaster, Lodge Ambassador
Ancient York Lodge AF&AM

Lowell, MA

God never sends us anything we can't handle. Sometimes I wish He didn't trust me so much. - Mother Teresa

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