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Any (former) professional musicians out there?

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Topic: Any (former) professional musicians out there?
Posted By: LarryC
Subject: Any (former) professional musicians out there?
Date Posted: July/18/2010 at 10:53am
I am a former Nashville, singer/songwriter ("Larry Michael Miller") and am wondering if there are any other musicians, songwriters, etc. in Masonry?
My main instrument is guitar, but I also play the bass guitar, piano, and drums (but only a little!).
I am in the Dallas, TX area, looking for other Masons to JAM with! Wouldn't a Masonic band be great fun?

There is nothing in life to fear- only to understand.
Madam Marie Curie

Posted By: ButchA
Date Posted: July/18/2010 at 12:39pm
I was sort of a semi-pro musician back in the mid 90's, playing lead guitar with a "house band" called Rocky & The Runarounds, based out of Topeka, KS.
{thread within a thread:    Yeah, I know... I know...  I was in the US Coast Guard stationed in (of all bizarre places)... Topeka, KS! Confused  But it was the main military payroll center for the whole entire US Coast Guard, and was 100% admin, computers, I.T., etc...}
Anyway, I was a "Coastie" by day, and a lead guitarist by night (mainly Friday & Saturday nights).  We had a great time and wrote a few original tunes, but as a "house band" we mainly played whatever the crowd wanted to hear.  I have a bunch of cassette tapes and CD's of our performances.  It was great fun and I miss it.
Rocky - Band leader, lead singer, lead & rhythm guitar, sound engineer, etc...
Lisa (Rocky's wife) - harmony vocals, tambourine, maracas, and other small percussion.
Butch - Lead & rhythm guitar, mandolin, and occasional lower harmony vocals.
Dennis - Bass guitar.
Randy - Drums & percussion.
In addition to guitar and mandolin, I am a multi-instrumentalist too (Rock: guitar, bass, keyboards, drums).  But most other instruments weren't really needed, as we were mainly a rock band.
French horn
Euphonium (Baritone)
Clarinet (so-so, but I can play it)
Violin & Viola

EA -- 01/14/10

FC -- 02/18/10

MM -- 03/25/10

= = = = = = = =

2013 Junior Warden - Tuckahoe Lodge #347 Richmond, Virginia

32° AASR - Valley of Richmond, Orient of Virginia

Posted By: P.D. Newman
Date Posted: July/21/2010 at 8:36am
I'm in a small experimental jazz band here in MS ...I play upright bass, guitar, piano, organ, or tabla, depending on the piece. We do mostly home recordings as there are very few places to play live jazz in this area but we're hoping to do some travelling soon.
As I understand it, music & Masonry have a long history together, going all the way back to Mozart & on up to Ellington & Basie. There are even a handfull of hardcore punk bands coming up in the Boston area that are Brothers. -
P.D. Newman

Posted By: Resquerra
Date Posted: July/25/2010 at 7:40pm
I play guitar, lap steel and sing/write songs. Not in a band at the moment but I get out and play when I can.

Ronald Esquerra
Grand Island lodge #422 F&AM
Worshipful Master

Posted By: healy61
Date Posted: November/23/2010 at 12:13am
I play in a county community band.  I have played frenchhorn since 6th grade in 1964.  I still have the same horn.  I have learned some fiddle playing, and join in at local dances and church.  I will now get my old tuba out for tuba Christmas concert which is held every year at the lodge auditorium in Coldwater.

1961 Healy is fine auto.

Posted By: jaya
Date Posted: November/23/2010 at 7:31pm
I am only playing guitar in church right now. I have played in a few different bands. I would love to move into music ministry full time but have not had that chance yet.

Jay Austin

Black Mountain 663 - Junior Warden
AASR Valley of Asheville - KSA
The Masonic Society" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ernon
Date Posted: March/01/2011 at 6:22pm
I played drums professionally in the 70's in a band named Blu Skyy, and semi-pro in the 80's in Stone Edge. Then I played for fun until 2002 when surgery for drumming induced injuries ended my drumming days forever. With my hands bound, gloved and braced, I now play bass. (hey, that almost rhymes :)


Grants Pass Lodge #84 A.F.&A.M.
Medford Lodge #103 A.F.&A.M.
32° A.A.S.R. Valley of Medford
Quatuor Coronati Correspondence Circle

Posted By: Zoffy
Date Posted: May/13/2011 at 4:26pm
I've played the drums for over 35 years. When I was younger played in a few 'bands' ( I use that term loosely), but now I mostly just drive my wife crazy. 

Posted By: jimi_stephen
Date Posted: August/17/2011 at 2:01pm
I play guitar at church with all the people, except the original guitarist, of a christian group called Acrete from the early 90's. They toured Dallas and the area with switchfoot and a few other bands, doing clubs and what not. We all get to be the house bands for a couple of youth camps in the area every year and when ever a church is having a "tent revival" as we are the only church in the area with equipment where we can travel with.

Posted By: MaestroJ
Date Posted: June/19/2012 at 9:21am
I'm a hopeful musician, actually. I graduated last year from the Hartt School of Music with a GPD in Music Composition after earning my bachelor's there two years before, also in music composition. It's my ultimate goal to get into soundtrack writing for movies and video games. For now, I'm a photo lab supervisor.

I like to write in all sorts of styles after extensively studying music history and styles from antiquity in ancient Greece, along with traditional folk music around the world, all the way up to today including "mainstream" styles now like Rock, punk, etc. I like to combine eras  and instruments; one of my favorite projects was using an electric guitar with an orchestra and cathedral organ.

I currently have one soundtrack project for an online mini series. Who knows? Maybe it'll be the start of something big. It's a passion, and I won't ever give it up. (My username has the link to my website, I don't know if posting a link is allowed here).

If at some point the greatest song were written, no one would write one again.

Tyrian-Ashler=Acacia Lodge (Gloucester, Massachusetts)
EA: Nov. 8, 2011
FC: Dec. 13, 2012
MM: Jan. 28, 2012

Posted By: BAO
Date Posted: September/27/2012 at 7:59pm
I might have considered my self a former musician about a year ago, but since last Winter I have been back at it with a couple old friends. I play guitar and sing mostly in one project, and drum in another. I have yet to get those projects professionally recorded, but my former bands (mostly punk and hardcore) can be found at (some explicit content there, nothing to crazy though.

I'm hoping with my current projects to break away from the punk and hardcore genre, more acoustic and pop-rock type stuff. We'll see if I get back out on the road, but I doubt the wife would be too thrilled.

Posted By: Sec'yBob
Date Posted: May/10/2015 at 8:01am
I am currently playing with the the Town and Country Symphony, and I would hesitate to call myself a professional, but I am a player.
I have often thought a Masonic band or singing quartet would be really great.

Raised 2001
PM Crestwood-Anchor #443
PM Meramec #313 X3
Past DDGM Dist #24
Lodge Education Officer
Missouri Lodge of Research
O.E.S. Chapter 129 WP X3
Legion of Honor recipient

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